Download PDT Demo Software
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce Pliable Display Technology and some of the
basic functionalities that can be embedded within your own applications. The downloadable demos below
are by no means
extensive; they offer a mere taste of the full PDT Application Programming Interface (API) that is meant
to tease your palate.
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PDT Editing Demo
Use a PDT lens to edit high-resolution detail without losing sight of the lower-resolution
base context.
PDT Layers Demo
Is working with multiple layers of information confusing? Use PDT to reduce data
claustrophobia and perform more efficient mark-up and feature extraction.
PDT Web Map Client
Available as either a stand-alone
application or an Active X control for Internet Explorer!
View and interact with different layer combinations of geospatial data accessed
over the Internet using PDT detail-in-context lenses.
Active X Version
This demonstration requires Internet Explorer version 5.0
or later. Download and run the self-extracting zip file (.exe) from
the link below, and the demo will automatically open in an Internet
Explorer Browser Window.
PDT 3d Occlusion Reduction Demo
Preview the future of PDT. This demo shows how PDT can reduce occlusion without
removing contextual information from a 3D model. For serious innovators only.
If you are interested in downloading Video Demonstrations of PDT, visit our
Video Demos
For a full technical descriptions of PDT functionality, see our
Technical Descriptions
White Papers
Integration Guide
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downloading the Demos?