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PDT for Medical Imaging
PDT for Medical Imaging

Pliable Display Technology
for Medical Imaging
Gives You a Better View of Life

The medical system is gradually moving away from the inefficient and costly process of moving image hard copies between practitioners towards digital imaging for viewing and storing medical images. The evolution of healthcare into integrated multi-hospital networks, along with advancements in medical imaging technology for MRI, Ultrasound and X-Ray, is driving the need for sophisticated image viewing and management tools to improve work flow, quality of diagnosis and patient care. The MRI hardware market is currently $2.2 billion and growing at a rate of 54%. Medical imaging software market potential is in its infancy, but believed to have potential to reach $1 Billion.

Medical imaging technologies and application developers have effectively developed the capability to create, manage, and edit images. However, traditional viewing methods inadequately address the "screen real-estate problem" commonly encountered in dealing with large images or small screens, and do not provide real-time, dynamic, "detail in context" capabilities. IDELIX Software's Pliable Display Technology (PDT) represents a new framework for viewing images.

PDT provides the means for the user to view detail in the context of the surrounding information, using a wide variety of lenses that can be positioned and configured in real time. The user sees the region of interest in detail and can move it at will, but retains a view of the surroundings. No information is hidden from view, and the navigational cues provided by the surrounding regions are not lost. The technology is applicable to both local and online presentation of high information density data such as medical images.


  • Improve productivity and work flow
    The key advantage of Pliable Display Technology (PDT) is that PDT enables "detail-in-context" viewing, thereby preserving a view of the surrounding image and the navigational cues associated with it. Viewers will not have to rely on inefficient zooming, panning or inset viewing to effectively view details or manage multiple images.
  • Device, Operating System and Application Independent
    PDT is easily integrated and adds value to the presentation of information on many different hardware types, from compact handheld and wireless devices through to PC's with large monitors.
  • Increased Product Value
    "Detail-in-context" viewing enhances diagnostic quality and patient care.


  • Allows users to perform typical browser/viewer navigation tasks better with real-time, dynamic "detail-in-context" capability.
  • Supercedes existing and ineffective pan and zoom technologies.
  • Complete set of image viewing functions including multi-lens library, multiple lens capability, in-place editing, lens characteristic controls and industry standard image formats and documentation.
  • Ability to quickly view and navigate high-resolution images.
  • PDT "detail-in-context" viewing maintains coordinate accuracy and distance.
  • Synchronized viewing of side-by-side images for comparison.
  • User interface independent and supports the leading operating systems.
  • Can be tailored for optimal performance on various devices.
  • Complements existing wireless and wireline browser technology.
  • Structured API and SDK supports easy integration with existing applications. Easy to customize, create, or enhance a vertical application.

Find out more

For a list of the Features and Benefits of PDT and PDT 3d, see the PDT Product Sheets . For more technical detail on PDT, read our White Papers or Technical Descriptions .

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Pliable Display Technology® (PDT®) protected by US Patents . Other patents pending.