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PDT for Electronic Media
PDT for E-media

A New Medium for an Old Format
Online and Interactive

Fueled by the growing trend of internet-savvy readers devoting more attention to alternative news and media sources, traditional newspaper and magazine publishing is undergoing major changes. Over 50% of the major global daily newspapers are addressing the increased competition from online information and e-commerce providers by making a version of their print publications available via the Internet. However, these online offerings bring in less than 1% of total revenues. Banner advertising has also proven to be an ineffective means to generate a profit. Publishers are faced with the pressing need to explore new alternatives to leverage print media and the Web, and create a sustainable revenue model via the Internet.

IDELIX's Pliable Display Technology (PDT) enables delivery of existing print media assets and traditional print advertising revenue models via the Internet. PDT provides publishers with the means to electronically distribute their media in a familiar newsprint-style format via the Internet, leaving advertisement layout and the look and feel of the publication intact. PDT opens the door for additional Web advertising sales opportunities by enabling links within advertisements to advertiser's websites and other related information. In addition to enhanced online advertising sales opportunities, the ability to reach global subscribers also lends the way to an increased subscription and circulation base resulting in increased revenue and subscriber loyalty.

PDT presents an "in-context" view of newspaper and magazine content by providing visible detail within a pre-placed dynamic lens. The reader views the same content and layout on their computer monitor as the newsprint version in their hands. One mouse click will activate the encapsulating lens showing the article of interest in the full-format publication on-screen. The reader is able to navigate and view the article easily, without losing the surrounding context offered by a familiar newspaper page format. Unlike existing Internet behaviors and technologies, the key advantage of PliablePaper is that the subscriber sees the newspaper in its familiar print layout. PliablePaper is easy to use because it invokes two existing user skills - the almost innate sense of how one reads a publication, and the ability to use a mouse.

Benefits for Publishers

  • Enables on-screen presentation of a full format newspaper page, making it possible to present an article or advertisement in a format familiar to the reader.
  • Increases profitability through moving a proven advertising revenue model to the Internet, and leveraging subscriber bases.
  • Reduces costs of paper, printing and postage.

Benefits for Advertisers

  • Increases the effectiveness of advertising through greater circulation and reach.
  • Enables flexible placement of advertisements within the digital content much the same way as traditional print, resulting in higher impact and a targeted audience reach.
  • Enhances consumer interaction by including links to advertiser's websites and other related information within advertisements.

Benefits for Readers

  • Maintains the same "look and feel" of traditional news publications; readers are more comfortable with the navigation and layout of the online publication.
  • Enables readers to access newspaper and magazines anytime and anywhere.
  • Guarantees timely delivery of the online newspaper.


  • Presents a traditional newspaper format online, resulting in a standard, familiar User Interface for the reader that mirrors their existing reading habits.
  • Equips the publisher with the necessary tools to digitally publish and distribute products in a time-efficient, global medium.
  • Allows the reader to perform typical browser/viewer navigation tasks better with real-time dynamic "detail-in-context" capability.
  • Interactive features such as Keyword Search and enhanced personalization for the reader are possible.
  • Can coordinate viewing of articles of interest and pictures (side-by-side) for comparison.
  • Works directly with the output of standard publishing software and digital prepress systems.
  • Replaces current technologies such as zoom, pan and inset viewing to offer the end-user a more efficient, user-friendly navigation tool.
  • Structured API and SDK supports easy integration and customization with strategic partner's publishing and delivery solutions.

Find out more

For a list of the Features and Benefits of PDT and PDT 3d, see the PDT Product Sheets . For more technical detail on PDT, read our White Papers or Technical Descriptions .

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Pliable Display Technology® (PDT®) protected by US Patents . Other patents pending.